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Instructional Program Information

We use materials and programs that provide a systematic approach to overcoming learning difficulties. The program is tailored to fit each student’s individual needs through regular review and testing. The following are the primary national teaching methods that are used in the program.

Orton-Gillingham—This methods-based approach was specifically designed to teach reading to children with dyslexia. (more...)
F.A.S.T. Learning (Foundations of Analysis, Synthesis, Translation)—Developed by Stephen P. Tatum. F.A.S.T. Reading is a synthesis of whole language and phonetic instructional techniques. (back...)

F.A.S.T. is an acronym for Foundations of Analysis, Synthesis,Translation:

Foundations of:
Analysis: analyze words into their sounds,
Synthesis: synthesize sounds into words,
Translation: Translates text to get meaning from print.

F.A.S.T. Reading is designed to help students break the phonetic code and become better readers. F.A.S.T. teaches key phonetic concepts that are practiced and reviewed through out the reading program. It is fast paced so that students don't get bored. Students enjoy reading the books that are designed to go with each concept in the decoding process. Writing and spelling are incorporated into each lesson to help students become better spellers and writers.

Each lesson begins with work on the phonetic board to build phonemic awareness and orthographic processing skills. The phonetic part of the lesson develops segmenting, blending, and phonemic manipulation skills. The second part of the lesson is reading from lists of words to practice and reinforce the skills learned on the board. The third part of the lesson is reading in the books developed to reinforce the skills in the lesson and review previous skills. The last part of the lesson is writing a short summary or response to the story.

Stucture and repetition are built into the program to helps students learn more quicly and to help retain information. Althought structure has been built into the program it is still adaptable to individual student needs.

F.A.S.T. is appropriate for Kindergarten students who are just starting the reading process all the way to high school students who are in need of additional instruction to build a solid reading foundation.

For more information about F.A.S.T Learning go to: www.fastlearningllc.com


Direct Instruction—A research-based approach that has been proven to be the most effective method for teaching all children, but especially those who are experiencing learning difficulties. (more...)

REWARDS—A reading and writing program for children from 4th grade up through adults. It's very successful with students who have trouble learning to read and are feeling frustrated as a consequence. (more...)
Hill Center Methodology—A program developed at the Chapel Hill learning center that emphasizes a systematic approach to learning. Children are assessed in each content area and instruction is based directly on their test performance. (more...)