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We use materials and programs that provide a systematic approach to overcoming learning difficulties. The program is tailored to fit each student’s individual needs through regular review and testing. The following are the primary national teaching methods that are used in the program.

Orton-Gillingham—This methods-based approach was specifically designed to teach reading to children with dyslexia. (back...)

The Orton-Gillingham approach was developed by neurologist, Dr. Samuel T. Orton, and educator, Anna Gillingham. The methods were so successful that they have become an effective reading program used by many therapists and teachers worldwide.

The Orton-Gillingham method relies on teaching children the fundamental structure of language; starting with the simple sound/symbol relationships of language and progressing to complex concepts of multi-syllable word structure and comprehension. Each lesson is presented in a multi-sensory format, which consists of using a child's visual, auditory and kinesthetic pathways. A multi-sensory approach enables a child to use their strengths and to strengthen their weaknesses. The Orton-Gillingham method helps learners use and understand the important language skills that successful readers utilize naturally.

Current research supports a direct instruction approach, such as Orton-Gillingham, to teach reading. A direction instruction approach explicitly teaches a code-based, multi-sensory approach as a component of a balanced reading program. Direct instruction provides the structure needed to develop the linguistic skills required to become a proficient reader. A good reading program, such as Orton-Gillingham, teaches children the tools: phoneme awareness, phonics skills, reading fluency, reading comprehension strategies and vocabulary, to become successful readers.

For more information about the Orton-Gillingham methods go to:


F.A.S.T. Learning (Foundations of Analysis, Synthesis, Translation)—Developed by Stephen P. Tatum. F.A.S.T. Reading is a synthesis of whole language and phonetic instructional techniques. (more...)

Direct Instruction—A research-based approach that has been proven to be the most effective method for teaching all children, but especially those who are experiencing learning difficulties. (more...)

REWARDS—A reading and writing program for children from 4th grade up through adults. It's very successful with students who have trouble learning to read and are feeling frustrated as a consequence. (more...)
Hill Center Methodology—A program developed at the Chapel Hill learning center that emphasizes a systematic approach to learning. Children are assessed in each content area and instruction is based directly on their test performance. (more...)